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Ink paint industry

Ink paint industry, the variety of materials, the formula is also different, the quality of foreign products is good, in addition to the factors of the formula, is the problem of equipment selection, our company has always advocated sand mill, colloid mill, three-roll mill equipment, Foreign countries are indeed advanced, and the basic materials are better than domestic ones.

Our company mainly compares the dispersing technology (high-speed dispersing machine), and the color mixing and stirring leaves pass through. Therefore, our company is in contact with the design and manufacture of complete sets of equipment. It is recommended to use the refinement, homogenization and sanding equipment of well-known foreign companies. The ink paint produced by the equipment reaches a satisfactory finished product.

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  • Address: Shanghai Fengxian Industrial Zone No. 99 car line
  • Fax: 021-64544111
  • Email: xinruidu@xinruidu.com
  • Tel:021-54488893 17701693701
  • Sales Phone: 021-54488893 13901897168 17317632837
  • After sales call: 021-64544111 18930406998

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