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Take you to understand what emulsification and emulsification pot features


The high-shear emulsifier can disperse and emulsify different materials. It can not only work in different states, but also has the advantages of flexibility and convenience and low noise. Before understanding the emulsifier, it is necessary to understand what emulsification is. This article describes the concept of emulsification and the characteristics of the emulsifier:

First, what is emulsification?

Because different materials have different active agents on the surface, it is difficult to mix. However, the emulsifier can mix and emulsify liquids that cannot be mixed together, which is an emulsification phenomenon. In the process of emulsification, an active agent is added to the two liquids, and this substance is called an emulsifier.

So how does the emulsification phenomenon work? After the emulsifier is added to the two liquids, the properties of the two liquids are transformed by the working operation of the emulsifier, thereby mixing the liquids which cannot be mixed into a new liquid. . During the mixing process, a liquid is dispersed into more particles and added to the other liquid, which forms an emulsion.

In addition to the emulsifier which acts as an emulsifier, other substances such as emulsified perfume may be added during the emulsification. This emulsified fragrance not only adds flavor to the mixture, but also changes the turbidity of the mixture. Enterprises can add different emulsifying fragrances according to their needs. When adding, pay attention to whether the mixture is suitable for the mixture according to the nature of the emulsified fragrance. For example, some beverages can add some low-HLB emulsifiers, which can improve the emulsion stability. effect.

Second, the characteristics of the emulsifier

The device used for emulsification is an emulsification pot. What are the characteristics of the emulsifier?

1. Because the emulsified pot is in direct contact with many materials of different nature, it is made of stainless steel and will not cause any pollution to the material.

2. The emulsified agitator is generally installed at the bottom of the emulsification pot to maximize the effect of mixing and emulsification.

3. The rotor of the agitator is capable of achieving high shear emulsification and obtaining a high quality mixture.

The above is the introduction of emulsification and emulsification pot. Can you help? High shear emulsifier not only has the advantages of traditional emulsifier, but can be improved to mix higher quality and finer materials. If you have any need for high shear emulsifier, please click on the official website to find out more!

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